May 5th 2020 By owner Elias Amiouni from Lebanon.
I purchased AM109.S.005 in October of 1988. It was in a sad state, and that was at a time prior to the internet where finding information and sourcing parts was much more difficult. My first contact was with Mr Squassoni at Maserati and subsequently with Mr Cozza, the curator of the Maserati museum at the time. I was told to forward all my parts inquiries to Carrozzeria Campana, which I did. I visited the factory 2 times in 1989 and 1990 and met with Mr Cozza who was very gracious and received me very well. He walked us through the factory floor and on to the museum. I had the opportunity to take extensive detailed pictures of the Mistral Spyder they had to help me in the restoration of mine.
According to Mr Cozza’s telex response, 005 was used in a Federico Fellini movie called ‘Giulietta Degli Spiriti’ .Through friends in Italy, I was able to obtain a VHS video of the movie and watched it till the end but did not see the car in any of the scenes. I have always wanted to ask Mr Cozza about that. Perhaps it was edited out in the final cut?
The car was subsequently sold to HRH Prince Sultan Bin Saud, a Saudi prince, who I assume took it to Saudi Arabia. It was then either sold or gifted to a Lebanese airline pilot who brought it to Beirut. It changed owners several times and finally was left sitting under a tree in a field where I found it in 1988.